Enter the discomfort zone.

I like to listen to audiobooks during my commute or trail runs, and choose nonfiction books that are mentally stimulating, that inspire me, that make me look inward.

Can’t Stop Me by @davidgoggins is doing just that. It’s raw and honest. He reminds us not to settle for the victim mentality. There are no shortcuts, only hard work and effort. If you want to make change, you have to step outside your comfort zone and face reality. It’s about small changes each day… aka stacking tables or getting one step closer towards larger goals.

At @tbc_mountainview 🥊 tonight, our instructor Kim shared the same message. “Leave your excuses at the door.” “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” “Quitting is not an option.” “You get energy by giving energy.” One of the best parts of today was being in a class of strangers, high-fiving gloves while doing high knees between rounds. It was consistent and although between rounds is usually our active rest or break time, doing this simple act of giving each other acknowledgement was what I needed to recharge and know I could make it through the next round. To not give up. To know that it was only 3 more minutes of kickboxing until the next set of high fives.

Do something today that steps outside your comfort zone. Push yourself past your usual limits. Don’t just give in to your “feelings”… they often lie.

People don’t always want to hear it in our modern world where comfort and emotion often overrule reality and logic.

But take what you want. I’m going to challenge myself to do something that’s difficult… that extra run, share my writing I’ve been too scared for others to read, build that habit I’ve been pushing off…

Thanks for holding me accountable. Anyone want to join?

#discomfortzone #pathofmostresistance #canthurtme #impossibletask #accountabilitymirror