About Energizing Educators

You made it! You’re in the right place. This site will provide a collection of tips of the trade to get you running your classroom smoothly so that you can make the most of your life in and out of the classroom.
Do any of these ring a bell?
  • Fitness? I don’t need to “work out”… I got a lot of steps pacing my classroom today. 
  • I don’t have time to hang out with friends this weekend… I have papers to grade.
  • Better check my school email once I get home… a parent/colleague/student needs my attention.
  • Healthy snack? What can I unwrap and eat quickly on the way to the bathroom, while making copies for my next lesson, and squeezing in my 10 minutes of recess duty?

It’s a joke! As teachers we expect ourselves to do so much that by the end of the day, we’re just like our tech devices: left with a drained battery.

It’s time to reorganize our classrooms and reevaluate our priorities so that we can work efficiently and effectively. We shouldn’t be counting down the days until the next 3-day weekend. We should be making each week count by minimizing our stress in order to maximize our time for personal and professional growth. You only have one life to live. It all starts today.

Alisha Zare is a third generation teacher living in the bustling San Francisco Bay Area. She knows the extra effort it takes to make transparencies for an overhead projector during her early years, and how to manage a 1-1 iPad classroom in recent years. Having taught 3rd - 5th grades at both public and public charter schools over the past 10 years, she’s learned strategies for self-preservation amongst the stress of our changing education system.

You’re not alone. You just need a recharge. Time to find ways to refresh.